The government of California is set to construct the World’s largest highway overpass for wildlife in Southern California. The project will try to fend off the extinction of mountain lions and other animals that require more room to roam. The current price tag of the project is US $87m, with 20% of that coming from...
Los Angeles Magazine | The Cougar Bridge Across the 101 Will Be an Epic Feat of Fundraising
California transportation officials and environmentalists are planning to construct the largest animal crossing on earth to save mountain lions and other threatened species from extinction. The project—a 200-foot-high bridge across ten lanes of the 101 Highway 35 miles from Downtown L.A. so that animals trapped in the Santa Monica Mountains can access feeding and breeding areas across...
The Week | Mountain lions and other wildlife will soon be roaming above a busy L.A. freeway
In order to help mountain lions and other animals struggling with isolation in the Santa Monica Mountains, Los Angeles is building the world’s largest wildlife corridor, which will cross busy Highway 101. “The ecosystem needs to be reconnected for all wildlife,” Beth Pratt of the National Wildlife Federation told The Guardian. “Segmentation impacts animals both large and small,...
The Asian Age | California to build wildlife crossing over major highway
Los Angeles: Like many urban singles, the mountain lion P-22 lives a solitary life in a too-small habitat. And he has a hard time finding a mate in the big city. Famous for traveling across two freeways and making a huge Los Angeles park his home, the lonesome big cat has become a symbol of...
Smithsonian | California Will Build the Largest Wildlife Crossing in the World
A planned animal overpass set to stretch over Los Angeles’ 101 Freeway has entered its final design phase, Christopher Weber reports for the Associated Press. Dubbed the Liberty Canyon Wildlife Crossing, the 200-foot-long bridge—expected to provide safe passage for lions, coyotes, deer, lizards, snakes and other wild creatures—is on track for groundbreaking within the next two...
CBS News | World’s largest highway overpass for wildlife on track in California
Like many urban singles, the mountain lion P-22 lives a solitary life in a too-small habitat. And he has a hard time finding a mate in the big city. Famous for traveling across two freeways and making a huge Los Angeles park his home, the lonesome big cat has become a symbol of the shrinking...
The Guardian | Los Angeles to build world’s largest wildlife bridge across 10-lane freeway
Engineers in southern California are hard at work designing the biggest wildlife corridor in the world, to extend over US Highway 101 to the north-west of Los Angeles.The corridor will connect different parts of the Santa Monica Mountain chain, which is crucial to the future of mountain lions – but it will help other species as... | California to build largest wildlife crossing in world
Like many urban singles, the mountain lion P-22 lives a solitary life in a too-small habitat. And he has a hard time finding a mate in the big city. Famous for traveling across two freeways and making a huge Los Angeles park his home, the lonesome big cat has become a symbol of the shrinking...
89.3 KPCC | Wildlife Corridor Over The 101, Climate Change and Wine, West Hollywood Changes
Transportation officials and conservationists will build a mostly privately funded wildlife crossing over the 101 freeway. The $87 million bridge entered its final design phase last month. CLICK HERE TO READ FULL ARTICLE
San Francisco Chronicle | LA freeway crossing to give wildlife room to roam
Like many urban singles, the mountain lion P-22 lives a solitary life in a too-small habitat. And he has a hard time finding a mate in the big city. Famous for traveling across two freeways and making a huge Los Angeles park his home, the lonesome big cat has become a symbol of the shrinking...