Category: Cougars

The Asian Age | California to build wildlife crossing over major highway

The Asian Age | California to build wildlife crossing over major highway

Los Angeles: Like many urban singles, the mountain lion P-22 lives a solitary life in a too-small habitat. And he has a hard time finding a mate in the big city. Famous for traveling across two freeways and making a huge Los Angeles park his home, the lonesome big cat has become a symbol of...

August 21, 2019June 12, 2024by
Smithsonian | California Will Build the Largest Wildlife Crossing in the World

Smithsonian | California Will Build the Largest Wildlife Crossing in the World

A planned animal overpass set to stretch over Los Angeles’ 101 Freeway has entered its final design phase, Christopher Weber reports for the Associated Press. Dubbed the Liberty Canyon Wildlife Crossing, the 200-foot-long bridge—expected to provide safe passage for lions, coyotes, deer, lizards, snakes and other wild creatures—is on track for groundbreaking within the next two...

August 21, 2019June 12, 2024by | California to build largest wildlife crossing in world
Post | California to build largest wildlife crossing in world

Like many urban singles, the mountain lion P-22 lives a solitary life in a too-small habitat. And he has a hard time finding a mate in the big city. Famous for traveling across two freeways and making a huge Los Angeles park his home, the lonesome big cat has become a symbol of the shrinking...

August 20, 2019June 12, 2024by
San Francisco Chronicle | LA freeway crossing to give wildlife room to roam

San Francisco Chronicle | LA freeway crossing to give wildlife room to roam

Like many urban singles, the mountain lion P-22 lives a solitary life in a too-small habitat. And he has a hard time finding a mate in the big city. Famous for traveling across two freeways and making a huge Los Angeles park his home, the lonesome big cat has become a symbol of the shrinking...

August 20, 2019June 12, 2024by