Category: All Updates

P-45 spared! But threats remain…

P-45 spared! But threats remain…

We made a difference! Last week, the community worked together and helped build a low-cost, effective livestock enclosure for the local rancher whose alpaca were likely killed by P-45 as an alternative to acting on the depredation permit, which ended the imminent threat to P-45’s life. As one of the few males in the region,...

January 4, 2017January 13, 2025by
Another Mountain Lion Lost to the roads: RIP P-39

Another Mountain Lion Lost to the roads: RIP P-39

P-39 roamed the Santa Susana Mountains, and had given birth to her second known litter of kittens this spring, with the presumed father being P-38. But her life tragically ended recently when she was struck by a car on the 118. “Navigating our complex road network is a major challenge for mountain lions in this region,”...

December 12, 2016January 13, 2025by
Thanks to all who Celebrated P-22 Day!

Thanks to all who Celebrated P-22 Day!

NWF’s first P-22 Day and Urban Wildlife Week was a huge success! The vibrancy of this initiative is due to our community of partners who have contributed in so many ways. It takes a village—and we have an incredible one. The Los Angeles City Council officially declared October 22 as P-22 Day thanks to Councilmembers...

October 29, 2016January 13, 2025by
SCPR | Can Following a Famous Cougar’s Journey Help Save Urban Wildlife?

SCPR | Can Following a Famous Cougar’s Journey Help Save Urban Wildlife?

Photo Credit: Steve Winter – National Geographic This week, the most prominent local mammal wearing a radio tracking collar isn’t P-22, Southern California’s most famous mountain lion, it’s Beth Pratt-Bergstrom. The California director of the National Wildlife Federation is participating in a three-and-a-half day, 50-mile hike that follows the cougar’s journey from the Santa Monica Mountains to Griffith Park....

October 12, 2016January 13, 2025by
Tragic Fate for One of P-39’s Kittens

Tragic Fate for One of P-39’s Kittens

This isn’t the news we had hoped for when one of P-39’s kittens was finally located, but yesterday the National Park Service reported that California Fish & Wildlife had found the remains of P-52 after the animal had been recently struck and killed by a car on the 118 Freeway. This is the 14th known...

September 15, 2016January 13, 2025by