Author: Sammy (Sammy )

Home / Sammy | California to build largest wildlife crossing in world
Post | California to build largest wildlife crossing in world

Like many urban singles, the mountain lion P-22 lives a solitary life in a too-small habitat. And he has a hard time finding a mate in the big city. Famous for traveling across two freeways and making a huge Los Angeles park his home, the lonesome big cat has become a symbol of the shrinking...

August 20, 2019June 12, 2024by
San Francisco Chronicle | LA freeway crossing to give wildlife room to roam

San Francisco Chronicle | LA freeway crossing to give wildlife room to roam

Like many urban singles, the mountain lion P-22 lives a solitary life in a too-small habitat. And he has a hard time finding a mate in the big city. Famous for traveling across two freeways and making a huge Los Angeles park his home, the lonesome big cat has become a symbol of the shrinking...

August 20, 2019June 12, 2024by
LA Times | As Southern California cougars near ‘extinction vortex,’ a radical rescue plan emerges

LA Times | As Southern California cougars near ‘extinction vortex,’ a radical rescue plan emerges

The future is looking increasingly bleak for some Southern California mountain lions. Urban encroachment, inbreeding, vehicle strikes, rat poison and wildfire have all taken their toll on cougars living in the Santa Monica and Santa Ana mountains. Now, research published Wednesday suggests there’s an almost one-in-four chance the charismatic cats could become extinct in those...

March 20, 2019June 12, 2024by