I dreamt of P-23 who lived just 20 miles away. Sadly, we will never meet. L.A. traffic has ruined many a romance.
“In addition to her youth, good looks, independent spirit, love of the great outdoors, and proven ability to bring home the bacon, P23 does not appear to be related to P22. So what’s keeping these would-be soul mates apart? The 405. Yes, the east/west LA divide has defeated many a romance before, but knowing what we do about these two, we think they can defy the odds. Go get her, lion! (But safely, please.)”
—Shayna Rose Arnold, Los Angeles Magazine
Stories about P-23
L.A.’s Newest Celebrity Baby Has Whiskers – December 17, 2015
Meow! Mountain Lions P-22 and P-23: A Love Story in the Making – September 4, 2013
Cyclist Has Amazing Encounter with a Mountain Lion in Los Angeles – August 20, 2013